ABA: Best Therapy for Autism New Jersey

Are you wondering what the best Therapy for Autism in New Jersey is? Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is one of the most widely accepted therapies for children with an autism spectrum disorder. You might want to give it a try if your child is suffering from autism.

It is most effective if you start the training children are younger than 5 years of age although older children can also benefit. The training aids teach social, motor and verbal behaviors. It also boosts reasoning skills and works to handle challenging behavior.

How do ABA works?

Applied Behavior Analysis engages several techniques for understanding and changing behavior. Basically, the skills are taught through observation and positive reinforcement. It is a flexible treatment.

The treatment can be adapted to meet the needs of each unique person with Autism Philadelphia. One can provide the training in many different locations such as at home, at school and in the community.

ABA teaches skills that are useful in everyday life and can involve one-to-one teaching or group instruction. To get the most benefit from applied behavior analysis, your child will have t undergo extensive one-on-one therapy for 20 to 40 hours weekly.

What does an ABA program involve?

A good ABA Therapy for Autism in New Jersey program is never one size fits all. Each ABA program is written to meet the needs of the individual learner.

The end goal of any ABA program is to assist each child work on skills that will aid them to become more independent and successful in the short term as well as in the future.

The ABA program is customized to each learner's skills, needs, interests, preferences and family situation. A detailed assessment of each child’s skills and preferences is done. The assessments are used to write specific treatment goals as well.

The treatment goals are made based on the age and ability level of the person with ASD. Goals can include communication and language, social skills, self-care, play and leisure, motor skills and learning and academic skills.

ABA Techniques and Philosophy

A variety of ABA procedures are used by the instructor. Some procedures are directed by the instructor and others by the child with autism. To support Autism Philadelphia, parents, family members and caregivers receive training.

The patient with autism will find several opportunities to learn and practice skills every day. It happens in both planned and naturally occurring situations. The child receives a lot of positive reinforcement for showing useful skills and socially appropriate behaviors.

More emphasis is put on positive social interactions and enjoyable learning. The learner gets no reinforcement for behaviors that cause harm or avert learning. ABA training is effective for people of all ages.

Join us at Connect Plus Therapy where the natural environment is used or teaching, focusing on the overall quality of life for each individual and their family. 




